
2019 Beating Cancer Manifesto SIOPE and CCI-E

Paediatric cancer remains a major public health and societal issue in Europe: • Each year more than 35,0001 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer; • More than 6,0002 young patients die of cancer each year, and cancer remains the first cause of death by disease in Europe in children older than 1 year; • There will be nearly half a million childhood cancer survivors by 2020 – 2025 • Over two-thirds of childhood cancer survivors experience long-term health and psychosocial problems due to their disease and treatment which may be severe and affect their daily life and participation as EU citizens; • While improvements have been achieved for some childhood cancers over the past years, there has been little progress in patient survival for difficult-to-treat paediatric malignancies, and too many young lives are still lost to the disease; • There are substantial inequalities in access to the best available care and expertise across Europe causing up to 20%4 differences in survival rates among European countries.

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