European Cancer Summit 2023 – Accelerating Momentum: A manifesto to 2030
15. November 2023 - 16. November 2023
This Summit is special, and it’s reflected in the slogan.
‘Accelerating Momentum’ highlights our impatience. The EU’s Beating Cancer Plan is the opportunity of a lifetime. We’re already implementing a variety of new projects to better care for cancer patients and survivors. But, together, we need to do much more – and much more quickly. The current EU Parliament comes to an end next year.
‘A manifesto… ‘ refers to a detailed list of cancer care priorities and proposals compiled by the European Cancer Organisation from input received from its member societies and patient groups. The manifesto will be unveiled at the Summit, and we need to ensure every candidate standing in next year’s European Parliamentary elections subscribes to this roadmap.
‘…to 2030’… We cannot afford to wait. Cancer doesn’t. We need to set clear deadlines for tangible progress.
If ever there was a time and a place to rally the European cancer community – this is it!