European Affairs
About our pillar:
We are the voice of the young patients in the European institutions!
We make sure to participate in all European initiatives and many projects of relevance to childhood cancer
We push a patient-centric agenda and underline our community’s needs
We advocate for improvements in EU legislation that have a direct impact on our community. We are in regular contact with EU policy-makers, being it representatives of the European Commission, Parliament or Council.
What we advocate for
We have been working intensively on the review of the Pharmaceutical Package (Regulation and Directive), voicing the chilhood cancer community’s concerns: more drugs, drugs that are less toxic, affordable and accessible for all.
2024 is also the year of European elections (June 6th -9th).
CCI-E and SIOPE put forward their manifesto, highlighting our community’s priorities and policy needs for the next mandate (2024-2029), to raise awareness on childhood cancer challenges and to ask for the commitment of the incoming Members of the European Parliament and other policy-makers, such as the European Commission and Council. Click here to know more about our priorities!
We are a transversal pillar!
We support the strategy of other pillars through European initiatives:
This is us!
The European Affairs Pillar meets 45 minutes a week (at 8.15h every Friday!).
Members based in Brussels also have additional meetings over the week to prepare the Pillar’s work and monthly meetings with SIOPE to coordinate our initiatives.
The Pillar members represent CCI-E on regular events with EU officials or during webinars or presentations.