EU Affairs

[CCI Europe Gold Webinar] Know the basics: How to advance childhood cancer priorities in the aftermath of the EU elections? – Members Only

This webinar is a part of the CCI Europe’s Gold Webinar Series. Title: Know the basics: How to advance childhood cancer priorities in the aftermath of the EU elections? Speakers: Teresa Pais, CCI Europe Senion Policy Officer and Marine Gouders, CCI Europe Junior Policy Officer Download the presentation here In the aftermath of the EU elections,

[CCI Europe Gold Webinar] Drug Regulations: what is new for the childhood cancer community?

This webinar is a part of the CCI Europe’s Gold Webinar Series. Title: Drug Regulations: what is new for the childhood cancer community? Speakers: Delphine Heenen, Teresa Pais, Marine Gouders Download the presentation here In this webinar, the participants will learn from our experts about any new developments in the Pharmaceutical Package. The European Parliament is

[CCI Europe Gold Webinar] Know the basics: How can I level up my Patient Advocacy?

This webinar is a part of the CCI Europe’s Gold Webinar Series. Title: Know the basics: How can I level up my patient advocacy? Speakers: Laia Bisbal Arnal, Rachel Butcher, Sara Dederichs, Alice Gerbaux, Raluca Popa. Download the presentation here In this webinar, the participants will learn about existing patient advocate trainings, how they were developed,

[CCI Europe Gold Webinar] Know the basics: How does policy work at the European level?

This webinar is a part of the CCI Europe’s Gold Webinar Series. Title: Know the basics: How does policy work at the European level? Speakers: Teresa Pais, CCI Europe Senion Policy Officer and Marine Gouders, CCI Europe Junior Policy Officer Download the presentation here In this webinar you will learn about the role of the different

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan

The European childhood cancer community is delighted that childhood cancer is now under the spotlight in the EU Cancer Plan. Our community including paediatric haemato-oncologists, parents, patients, and survivors is now looking forward to shaping the implementation of these proposals building on existing projects and structures in the community.

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