About our pillar:
The aim of this pillar is to maximise human resources within CCI Europe and engage all parent- and survivor-organisations at European level, as well as to ignite fruitful intercountry collaboration as an essential way of exchanging good practices and uniting patient representatives under a common umbrella. CCI Europe strives to continuously educate patient representatives and expand their voice through high-qualified projects, activities and decision-making processes, and through policy incentives in close collaboration with healthcare professionals and other stakeholders. In such a manner, creating a wide network of allies brings forward the strength and cements further the expertise of CCI Europe in the field of childhood cancer.
To reach the goal, Capacity Development Pillar is set through 2 subpillars:
Education is central, where making patient representatives equal in the healthcare decision making process is crucial. Patients being aware of their health condition and reasoning behind specific procedures or treatments in childhood cancers, which are all rare, leads to a better quality of life. We aim to achieve long-lasting changes in behaviour with gained knowledge in order to ensure autonomous decisions, taking ownership, improving self-efficacy and self-management, and properly advocate in the multi-stakeholder environment.
Main actions and projects:
– List of existing training courses in which we can participate
– Survey to define CCI Europe members’ educational needs
– CCI Europe Education Programme: Setting up our own training programmes based on survey outcomes
– Partner in training/education programmes (SIOPE Course in Paediatric Oncology, Erasmus K2 Project and ALADDIN project in collaboration with Research & Innovation Pillar)

The goal of the subpillar is to foster intercountry collaboration among CCI Europe members and nurture relationships with all stakeholders by sharing good practices and proactive participate in multi-stakeholder activities.
Main actions and projects:
– CCI Europe Conferences
– Virtual meetings
– Ukraine: sharing experiences and information
– Direct relationship with all stakeholders at European level
Our Team