Our Partners:
In order to ensure the best possible care for children, adolecents and young adults with cancer we are in partnerhship with several European organisations:
SIOP Europe is the only pan-European organisation representing all professionals working in paediatric oncology. CCI Europe and SIOP Europe have established a formal agreement of cooperation (MOU – Memorandum of Unterstanding) in the areas of Research and Development, access to standards of care and expertise, social sciences and ethics and the improvements to the regulatory and political environment at pan-European and national level.
PanCare is a multidisciplinary pan‐European networkof professionals, survivors and their families that aims to reduce the frequency, severity and impact of late side‐effects of the treatment of children and adolescents with cancer. CCI Europe is working with PanCare in the area of survivorship care.
The European Cancer Organisation aims to reduce the burden of cancer, improve outcomes and the quality of care for cancer patients, through multidisciplinarity and multiprofessionalism. As the not-for-profit federation of member organisations working in cancer at a European level, the European Cancer Organisation convenes oncology professionals and patients to agree policy, advocate for positive change and speak up for the European cancer community. CCI Europe is representing the paediatric parents’ and survivors’ interest through its participation in the European Cancer Organisation’s Patient Advisory Committee (PAC).
EURORDIS is a non-profit alliance of 851 rare disease patient organisations from 70 countries to strengthen the patient voice and shaping research, policies and patient services of rare diseases. CCI Europe is collaborating with EURORDIS especially within the European Reference Networks (ERNs) and the Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC).
WECAN is an informal network of leaders of cancer patient umbrella organisations active in Europe.
The mission is to strengthen patient advocacy in Europe and improve outcomes for all cancer patients. Through WECAN, CCI Europe is able to collaborate with other European cancer patient organisations, exchange knowledge and develop joint projects. Furthermore, the network provides valuable resources for CCI Europe members to obtain knowledge (i.e. through training courses).
The remit and detailed objectives of ACCELERATE have been described in “Creating a unique, multi-stakeholder Paediatric Oncology Platform to improve drug development for children and adolescents with cancer”:
- To accelerate science driven development of paediatric oncology drugs.
- To facilitate international cooperation and collaboration between all stakeholders.
- To improve early access to new anticancer drugs in development for children and adolescents.
- To set-up long-term follow-up (LTFU) of children and adolescents exposed to new drugs.