14 – 17 May 2025 in Budapest, Hungary
Welcome to the official page for CCI Europe’s Conference!
CCI Europe will host its 15th CCI Europe Conference completely face to face from 14 to 17 May 2025 in Budapest, Hungary. This event is once again organised in partnership with SIOP Europe, and as a part of the SIOPE’s 6th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology.
The 2025 CCI Europe Conference will be until Saturday May 17th as for the previous year, where these sessions will be exclusively for the CCI Europe’s community.
CCI Europe Conference is open to CCI members around the globe, as well as for individual parent, patient and survivor advocates, wanting to listen to the interesting sessions we are preparing for you. Your unique registration will allow you to attend open sessions outside of CCI Europe Conference, that are a part of SIOPE’s Annual Meeting.
Keep reading for more information on how to register for CCI Europe’s Conference in Budapest!
Wednesday 14 to Saturday 17 at the Hungexpo Budapest Congress and Exhibition Centre
Hungexpo Budapest Congress and Exhibition Centre
1101 Budapest, Albertirsai ut 10
Budapest, Hungary
Are you traveling to Budapest? We’ve put some interesting information together for you! Here is what you need to know about:
CCI Europe Networking Dinner:
Friday May 16!
Please note that the CCI Europe networking dinner is invitation-only. If you register as a parent/survivor you will receive an email from the CCI Europe team with further information regarding the dinner. Invitation emails will be sent out on a rolling basis starting from end of February, 2025. If you did not receive it and you think it’s a mistake, please contact office@ccieurope.eu.
On Wednesday morning, May 14, before we officially start the conference programme with the Plenary sessions, we organise a survivors-only meeting. What to expect? A dedicated time to connect with other survivors, learn from others’ experiences and exchange ideas! A detailed programme will be sent to the registered survivors before the conference. So save the date, and plan ahead to be in Budapest on Wednesday morning! We are very much looking forward to seeing you there!
Moreover, this year we will hold a dinner for the survivors. The CCI Europe Survivors Dinner will be held on Thursday, May 15 at 9 pm, and it is invitation only. If you register as a survivor you will receive an email from the CCI Europe team with further information regarding the dinner.
Questions? Email us at conference@ccieurope.eu
The registration for the 15th CCI Europe Conference in Budapest is open to CCI members around the globe, as well as non-CCI parent, patient and survivor representatives/advocates interested in what CCI Europe is doing. Be quick!
For an early-bird ticket register until 26 Feb 2025!
All registrations are done via SIOPE’s Portal.
EARLY BIRD RATES (by 26 Feb. 2025)
- Parents & Survivors member of CCI-Europe/CCI
REGULAR RATES (by 23 Apr. 2025)
- Parents & Survivors member of CCI-Europe/CCI
LATE RATES (from 24 Apr. 2025)
- Parents & Survivors member of CCI-Europe/CCI
Here you can:
Abstract submission is now closed.
Stipends submission is now close.
Twinning Programme
Does your organisation want to financially support a stipend for another CCI Europe member? Click here.
Abstract submission closes on Friday January 31, 2025, 12:00pm (noon) CET.
Stipends application closes on Friday February 14, 2025 12:00pm (noon) CET.
Still have a question? Please contact us at conference@ccieurope.eu
Follow our social media for more fun updates on the Conference!