MAC (MEPs Against Cancer) Webinar

As you may be aware, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer has remained prominent in the EU agenda. In particular, the MEPs Against Cancer (MAC) group at the European Parliament organized a webinar on childhood cancers on 8th September.

CCI Europe (together with SIOPE and PanCare) have been invited to partner with the MAC Group at the European Parliament around this following online event on paediatric cancer in EU policy:

  • Meeting of MEPs Against Cancer & Invited Stakeholders: “How can EU4Health and Horizon Europe programmes improve access to diagnosis, treatment and care for paediatric cancer patients”.

This initiative reflects a high interest in our issues from one of the key interest groups on cancer at the European Parliament.

We are hereby inviting you to take a look at the recording of the webinar:

The final agenda is available here and the presentation slides can be viewed and downloaded here.


If you wish to support CCI Europe and its activities, you area able to donate here:


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