Ukraine Emergency Annual Report 2022
2022 was severely scarred by the war in Ukraine. As a response, CCI Europe joined St. Jude Global, other partners in Ukraine, the Polish Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology (PSPOH), and an international network of hospitals and governments in creating a Supporting Action for Emergency Response in Ukraine (SAFER Ukraine).
With everyone’s incredible support and cooperation, in 2022 over 1,300 paediatric oncology and hematology patients and their families have been helped and supported.
The scope of support varies based on the patient and family needs and includes translation of medical records, connecting with clinicians in the countries where families fled war, as well as medical evacuation and patient referral to the long-term care facilities abroad. And there are still more to come as unfortunately the war is still ongoing.
CCI Europe has a long history in multi-stakeholder collaborations, but no expertise in war conditions and evacuations procedures. The intense collaboration from the start helped to listen, understand and adapt this process. One of the keys of success of the SAFER Ukraine, is the clear leadership by one single stakeholder.
SAFER Ukraine is the living proof that the best and quickest success was achieved in those countries where collaboration between hospitals, NGOs, health care professionals and politics worked smoothly and uncomplicated and probably were already well established before. On the other hand, SAFER Ukraine highlighted some challenges in each country that are also relevant for CCI Europe because it is giving us a better insight on national constraints.
Although long-lasting partnerships are not always possible, with SAFER Ukraine short and efficient contributions were also very valuable and indispensable.
SAFER Ukraine showcased again how important the tight relation with CCI Europe’s members is. These relations changed positively in the exchanges between CCI Europe and its members, and highlighted again their tremendous work to support, with many means, children with cancer and their families.
Everyone’s support and contribution, whether to the Ukraine Emergency fund or of time and knowledge was extremely valuable and appreciated. Unfortunately the war continues and so will our efforts in helping children with cancer and their families.