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Gold September – Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Event 2024
24. September 2024 @ 14:00 - 15:00
CCI-E and SIOPE representing childhood cancer patients, parents, survivors and healthcare professionals, will once again mark the Gold September – Childhood Cancer Awareness Month campaign through the annual flagship policy event on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 at 2 pm CEST that this year will be held online.
This year’s event aims at increasing awareness of our policy priorities for the 2024-2029 mandate. We will seek support from the new elected members of the European Parliament to our joint manifesto: we need to cure more, cure better and tackle inequalities in childhood cancer across Europe. Whether we talk about research, care, psychosocial support or survivorship follow-up care, we still have many challenges to address and count on policymakers to legislate, adopt a friendly Multiannual Financial Framework Agreement (2028-2034) for health and research, and maintain childhood cancer at the spotlight of the EU agenda!
The event will be kindly hosted by MEP Loucas Fourlas (EPP, Cyprus). To register, please complete the online form below.*
Please note that a confirmation email will be sent ahead of the event.
*This information is collected solely for registration purposes and all data will be treated as confidential