EU4Health Conference 2024
Palace of the Academies in Brussels Brussels, BelgiumWe are delighted to be a partner of a very special event this year! The EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative (EU4H3I) aims to address public health challenges such as health inequalities, unequal access to treatments and lack of diversity in clinical trials. Together with our partners, we advocate for interdisciplinary collaboration and the adoption of
Advance Your Knowledge: How can patients benefit from ESCPs?
Online WebinarThe European Standard of Clinical Practice (ESCP) Project is an on-going collaboration between ERN PaedCan and SIOP Europe’s Clinical Trial Groups (ECTG), aiming to develop approved clinical recommendations that reflect current best practices for each common childhood cancer type. The ESCPs are reviewed by CCI-E members. The goal is to improve outcomes and increase
International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) 2025 – Policy event
European Parliament, BrusselsMEP András Kulja (EPP, Hungary) will host and organize a policy event in anticipation of International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) with the participation of SIOP Europe and CCI Europe . The ICCD is commemorated on 15 February each year. The date of the ICCD event at the European Parliament coincides with World
Advance Your Knowledge: Around the ERN-PaedCan Virtual Tumor Board 2.0 in 80 Minutes
Online WebinarWhat if: 1) Your oncologist is at a crossroads regarding therapy? 2) The local tumor board cannot make a definite decision and 3) You urgently need a second opinion from international experts? In this webinar, we want to strengthen patient organizations in their role as intermediaries for access to the new ERN-PaedCan Virtual
15th CCI Europe Conference, Budapest
Hungexpo Budapest Congress and Exhibition Centre 1101 Budapest, Albertirsai ut 10, Budapest, HungaryCCI Europe will host its 15th CCI Europe Conference completely face to face from 14 to 17 May 2025 in Budapest, Hungary. This event is once again organised in partnership with SIOP Europe, and as a part of the SIOPE’s 6th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology. The 2025 CCI Europe Conference will